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Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

change the appearance of the Windows XP system properties

change the appearance of the Windows XP system properties

This can also be for fun... hahaha
before we get into

c :/ windows/windows32

there is OEMinfo.inf and OEMlogo.bmp

OK, we copy paste the first in a secure folder,,, if we want to restore her look more like the original way back to c :/ windows/windows32

ok ... we make a direct hahaha

first create a save file with notepad in the name of OEMinfo.inf

- The contents are:

[Support Information]

line1 = write any kind

line2 = write any kind

Line3 = write any kind

line4 = write any kind

line5 = write any kind


Manufacturer = write any kind

Model = write any kind

nah like that,,, continued,

if I am going to try manulis with:

[Support Information]
line1 = Farhan Ferbian
Line2 = http://senitekno.blogspot.com
Line3 = http://www.facebook.com/farhanferbian
line4 = ebay
Farhan bit line5 = G Ade Ferbian Mike Shinoda
Manufacturer = SENITEKNO
Model = Model ARTS TEKNO 1.0

well above the data that we save in c :/ windows/windows32

now provide images with the extension *. BMP
with resolution / size of 100 * <100

then we change the name of the image with OEMlogo.bmp
then we save in c :/ windows/windows32

never to see the result we can right click on my computer then properties

result like this:.........

indonesia versi

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